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    The following works were created by 9 B.A. second year students from Shanghai Institue of Visual Arts, DeTao Masters Academy, Studio Gottelier Advanced Fashion Design Program (FAD). Despite designing knitwear for the first time, the students presented technically advanced designs in imaginative and diverse concepts. All the final outfits were constructed and made by students themselves.

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    On 7th May the 1st year students from WIDS· DeTao Studio Gottelier – BA Advanced Fashion Promotion Program (AFP) came to Shanghai for a fortnight’s field trip. The students were warmly greeted,by Professors Jane and Patrick, and Lesley de Freitas, whose practice in London is Couture Red Carpet and Bridal Wear, Fashion Design, Celebrity and Media Styling.

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    The series originated from my cousin who grew up living with our grandparents in the countryside and lives there to this day. People talked about her misfortune in childhood. Society’s concern for left-behind children is compassionate. Being absent from my parents since childhood, I hold on to the happy memories even more tightly.

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    Life never follows our ideals, but in pursuit of the best outcome, we learn a lot about our true abilities and ourselves! The aim of our brand is to encourage everyone to reach for the stars and fulfill our true potential.

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    On May 8th, the 1st year students of Fashion and Apparel Design program (FAD) had their “Everyone Wears Jeans Project” final CRIT. Students presented their work including slides, sketchbook and one final look to Prof. Patrick Gotteler and 1st Year tutor Kristian.

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    On May 5th and 6th, the 4th year students of Fashion and Apparel Design program (FAD) had their final major project Viva. Students have around 20 minutes to show their 6 outfits, sketchbook Portfolio (include Fashion Illustrations, Fashion Photography and Videos, C.A.D., and fabric and knit swatches where appropriate), answer the questions from the panelists including Prof. Jane Gottelier, Prof. Patrick Gottelier and the 4th year tutor Lesley.

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    The 5-month business and range plan project came to an end, and the 4th year students of Fashion and Apparel Design program (FAD) finished their Business Plan Assessment on April 29th and 30th. Each student has 15 minutes to do a presentation (supported by a printed version of the business and range plan) to explain their business ideas and plan for brand development to a the cross-disciplinary assessment panel (Prof.Jane Gottelier, Prof.Patrick Gottelier, Ryuki, Allegra).

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    From April 15th to April 19th, Kristian and Angelou continued to conduct the Business and Range Plan Project courses, and share their entrepreneurial journey with 4th year students of Detao Studio Gottelier Fashion and Apparel Design.

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    On April,16, Ms. Zheng Xiaodan, the master of haute couture from the DeTao Masters Academy, delivered a wonderful talk about business plan to 4th year students from Studio Gottelier Fashion and Apparel Design program with the theme of "Doing what you like is happiness"

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    At 2019 A/W Shanghai Fashion Week, 2019 graduate fashion show "SYMBIOSIS" co-organized by Shanghai Insitute of Visual Arts and DeTao Studio Gottelier wrapped up in full glamour.

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    On 4th April, FAD's fourth-year students started the Creative Illustration course. The models were our gorgeous teacher team. All right, let’s recap!

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    After the busy fashion week, FAD's fourth-year students began the Business and Range Plan Project.

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    Willie Walters | 面料调研项目回顾


    From March 22nd to March 29th, Willie Walters M.B.E. came to Shanghai and conducted an 8-day Textile Research Project, sharing her story with 1st year students from DETAO Studio Gottelier Fashion And Apparel Design.

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    On March 3rd, 2019, the 3-day workshop “INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE & EXPERIENTIAL TOURISM”, which was leaded by Prof. Jane Gottelier, Detao Master of Fashion and Knitwear, came to a successful end. This workshop & lecture was held by Detao & Studio Gottelier and HAITC of Hainan University.

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    The 3-day workshop “FORM, FUNCTION, EMOTION”, which was held by STUDIO GOTTELIER (Fashion & Apparel Design), DOTAN STUDIO (Ecological Architectural Design) and DETAO INSTITUTE OF GREEN INVESTMENT. After the 3 days intensive course, the first year students of Ecological Architectural Design (EAD) and Fashion & Apparel Design (FAD) demonstrated their amazing creativity and enthusiasm.

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    The aim of this 7 week embellishment project, is to research, celebrate and pay respects to the incredible and diverse crafts that are an important part of Chinese Culture and its history.

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    At 15:30 pm., 10th, January

    Jointly organized by Detao Studio Gottelier and Amsterdam Fashion Institute,

    Campus Talk end successfully.

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    This illustration course is not about trying to copy expert illustrators, it is about being creative and finding student's own personal style. Students should think for themselves and harness their own artistic judgment.

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    On December 16, Prof Patrick Gottelier was invited to give a speech at the Program of the Fourth Heartland's Wisdom and the Doctoral Forum Conference.

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    On November 30th, 2018, the ten-day Qipao project – “past meets future” was successfully completed under the cooperation of Detao Studio Gottelier and Shanghai Business School.

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    Dr Kate Strasdin丨葛特立工作室的新进“网红讲师”


    Our visiting lecturer Dr. Kate Strasdin of DETAO Studio Gottelier suddenly become an Internet Celebrity in China social media. 

    Last week, a Famous China social media account “Something About Britain” posted a story about Dr. Kate Strasdin and her Instagram stories about West fashion history . Up till now, over 100,000 people has read the story and a lot of them followed her on Instagram. So let us look and enjoy!

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    7th November, 2018 , Adrien Yakimov Roberts,(Director of Education in Accademia di Costume & Moda)was invited to Detao Studio Gottelier to deliver a keynote lecture” Masters Fashion Programs at the Accademia Costume& Mode, Rome, Italy” where he discusses the question of “Why do we build portfolios?” and shared his expertise with our Fashion and Apparel Design program students.

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    27th October, Arean Zhou, whose collection opened the season of S/S 2019 Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Sri Lanka on Day 1 International Graduate Showcase, is a 2018 graduate from SIVA·DeTao Studio Gottelier Fashion& Apparel Design ( Fashion · Knitwear · Sportswear ) Program.

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    课程由德稻服装及产品设计大师葛特立教授(Prof.Patrick Gottelier) 和德稻时装及针织设计大师葛丽婧教授(Prof.Jane Gottelier)负责讲授,分别是为期三天的品牌经营方法论《品牌战略规划》课程和为期两天的《跨界设计创新灵感提炼与市场转化》课程所组成。

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    葛特立工作室的客座讲师们在本次时装周上也非常活跃,例如客座讲师Angelou Zhu,作为针织女装品牌Swaying的设计师之一,全程参与了这次由上海时装周LABELHOOD在上海当代艺术博物馆设计中心举行的2019SS Swaying Fashion Show。10月12日,葛丽婧教授及其他老师们一同受Angelou的邀请,参加了此次Swaying的时尚大秀。英国Vogue主編Edward Enninful、Stylebubble時尚博主Susie Lau等时尚界知名人士也出席了此次大秀。

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    2018年9月26日晚,德稻葛丽婧教授(Prof Jane Gottelier)受邀参加了在国丝馆举办的“锦绣江南·旗袍秀非遗”活动。作为“杭州全球旗袍日”的重要活动,在“非遗引领时尚”传承人对话设计师的环节中,葛丽婧教授(Prof Jane Gottelier)与来自中国香港设计师Edith Cheung、法国独立学者Eric Boudot和墨西哥高级定制设计师Carmen Rion和“台州刺绣”第三代传承人林霞、中国美术学院设计艺术学院院长吴海燕、中国高级时装定制大师郭培,东家创始人、CEO俞海华等的多位中外设计师一同分享了各自的设计理念。